14 Best Digital Marketing Books That Launched My Marketing Career
Rich Ux shares his favourite digital marketing books that he read on his journey to becoming a successful freelance marketing and digital marketing consultant.

But Why Books to Learn Digital Marketing?
Are you looking for some good digital marketing reads?
Check out my list of the best digital marketing books!
Whether you're looking to improve your skills, your mindset or your habits, I've got you covered.
Plus, these books are perfect for busy digital marketers who want to learn on the go. Happy reading!
Best Digital Marketing Books You Need to Read
I have been a digital marketer for nearly a decade and I can promise you that every book on this list will help you develop your digital marketing career and also help you with personal development.
While I am calling this the best digital marketing books, it should probably be called the best books for digital marketers who want to crush their goals and live amazing lives.
Because you can't just study digital marketing from a technical perspective. You also have to become a powerful human being.
I promise you I've read every book on this list and truly believe these are the best digital marketing books on the planet.
1. The 4-Hour Work Week by Tim Ferriss

This book should be on the list of every digital marketer and if you haven't read it yet, you are missing out.
Tim Ferriss is one of the first people to put digital nomad and "new rich" down on paper.
His ability to guide you through that difficult phase in life where you are stuck in a 9-5 is phenomenal.
This without a doubt is the best digital marketing book because it will inspire you for a lifetime. It has done just that for me.
I continue to this day to seek the best places to go on "mini-retirements" and to earn USD while spending Pesos.
2. Purple Cow: Transform Your Business by Being Remarkable by Seth Godin

The Bible of Digital Marketing, a book that explores all success stories in the digital age.
From Starbucks to Apple and everything else--this guide will show you how much potential there is for making your brand stand out among millions on social media sites such as Facebook or Twitter!
3. Expert Secrets by Russell Brunson

If you want to find out how I built my personal brand and Rich+Niche then this one is for you.
Russell Brunson is an absolute genius. He has cracked a critical formula.
This is a power read for anyone who wants to be considered an expert in their field.
Buy the book and the audiobook. Change your life.
4. Dotcom Secrets by Russell Brunson

If you are going to read Expert Secrets, then you might want to start with the prequel - Dotcom Secrets.
This will help you dominate in the digital field.
Simple, potent and insights that will unlock your potential online.
Anyone writing a best digital marketing books list without Russell Brunson's masterpieces on it belongs on #failarmy.
5. The 1-page Marketing Plan by Allan Dib

The first technical book to grace this list.
The 1-Page Marketing Plan will help you create a powerful funnel and customer journey.
This book really simplified marketing for anyone who needs a straightforward process to follow.
A must-read!
6. FU Money by Dan Lok

F.U. Money helped me get my Money Mindset right.
It helped me clear away all the bullshit stories I was holding on to as to why I shouldn't be rich.
This was the last book I read before my career took off. Take that for what you will.
This book will change your life.
I enjoyed the audiobook and Dan Lok's Hong Kong accent.
Isn't it time you get "Your F.U. Money?"
I can hear him saying it still to this day.
7. Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook by Gary Vaynerchuk

Gary Vee has given us the critical formula we need to succeed on Social Media and Selling Online.
The idea that you should give before you ask is monumental and life changing.
Anyone who buys in to this ideology is sure to succeed in the online world.
This is the guide to "bringing value" in a challenging and competitive online world.
8. Crush it by Gary Vaynerchuk

I also love this one by Gary Vee.
Crush It is the formula we use when we are on the path to 1000 True Fans.
Crush it was way ahead of its time but it remains relevant today.
If you end up reading this one, you'll see how similar it is to following the Ikigai formula I often preach.
9. 100M Offers by Alex Hormozi

Okay this is a hidden gem but getting more and more popular by the day.
Hormozi has cracked the code of designing offers for a competitive marketplace.
If you want to learn how to sell more, raise your price and become a major player this is a must read.
10. Immutable laws of Marketing by Al Ries

This is simply a must read for any digital marketer.
These immutable laws are tried and true.
I've reread this many times and find it to be very relevant even in 2022.
11. Immutable laws of Branding by Al Ries

You might as well pick up the Branding Immutable laws as well.
Inside you'll find a separate section for Online Branding which is very valuable to Digital Marketers.
I love the Immutable Laws series.
This might be one of the best digital marketing books on the list from a pure marketing standpoint.
12. Blue Ocean Strategy by W. Chan Kim

The digital market is full of abundance but yet it can be very competitive.
It's critical that you find yourself an opportunity with less competition.
The Blue Ocean Strategy book will help you understand how to find open waters with less sharks and bloody trails.
This was a book I read on my come up and the principles are still with me today.
13. Cashvertising by Drew Eric Whitman

If you want to learn how to write great copy this is a must-read.
I love this book and I'll never forget the Lifeforce 8.
Everyone in this world wants the same things and by understanding that we can write copy that sells and converts.
This is an easy read and one you'll be thankful for even if you aren't writing copy on a regular basis.
14. The E Myth by Michael Gerber

This isn't a digital marketing book per se, but it is a book every entrepreneur needs to read.
You need to realize how a business is built and becomes successful.
How you take yourself out of the process and prevent massive burnout.
I've read this one multiple times and would be happy to know you have too.
The Best Digital Marketing Books aren't just about marketing
Digital marketers, freelancers, & consultants need to be well-rounded and well-read.
Don't make the mistake of thinking one skill is enough.
Keep learning from the best.
The more you read, the more ammo you'll have as you approach different client scenarios.
I hope you enjoyed this list of my favorite digital marketing books.
If you are serious about capturing the knowledge in these books, then buy them both on Kindle and Audible. Listen to them while you read them AND take notes along the way.
That's what I did and still do to this day.
Reading is simply an investment in your future income. Start depositing today!