Content Marketing Quiz Answers & Explanations

1. Content marketing is NOT:

  1. A strategic marketing approach.
  2. Focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content.
  3. Able to attract and retain a clearly defined audience.
  4. Just another name for social media marketing.

Answer: D

Although content marketers use social media to share content, they also use websites, email newsletters, face-to-face events, and print materials.

2. To make the business case for Content Marketing, you must present:

  1. Your objectives and KPIs.
  2. Your challenges and impact.
  3. Industry best practices.
  4. All of the above

Answer: D

To help your executives and team members understand your preference for your company's Content Marketing plan, you need to make your case on the basis of anticipated positive outcomes your executives will appreciate. You also need to evaluate the worth of Content Marketing compared to various marketing initiatives.

3. You must be ready to compare the value of Content Marketing with other marketing initiatives.

  1. TRUE
  2. FALSE

Answer: A

The new Content Marketing plan will take money out of the budgets for print, broadcast, and online advertising campaigns. But, you will be comparing a completely new initiative to one having financial struggles, which places Content Marketing at its head among the evils. As a result, using SpyFu to calculate the sales price of traffic generated by Content Marketing in equivalent PPC dollars is more likely to get buy-in on new initiatives when compared with paid search advertising.

4. Which of the following questions do you need to create an initial Content Marketing plan?

  1. Who?
  2. Seeks what in which channel?
  3. From whom?
  4. All of the above.

Answer: D

Search engines disputed Laswell's 1948 theory of media communication resulting in: Who says what in which channel to whom with what effect?

5. Knowing your customer's intent helps you create content for the moments that matter.

  1. TRUE
  2. FALSE

Answer: A

Nowadays, you have to make the customer's devotion and action moment after moment. Why? Because individuals are more loyal in the moment to their necessities than to a certain brand. For instance, sixty-three percent of smartphone users think when they are conducting searches with their mobiles, they seek out the most relevant information regardless of the company providing the particulars in question.

6. How can you incorporate customer intent into your Content Marketing strategy?

  1. Google Trends
  2. Google Ads Keyword Planner
  3. Google Ads Display Planner
  4. All of the above

Answer: D

Knowing the intentions of your customers will help you create content for them when they matter most.

7. Which of the following is something NOT recommended for producing content?

  1. To produce relevant content consistently, create help "content to answer queries."
  2. To produce valuable content consistently, create a series of scheduled hub "content."
  3. To produce relevant, valuable, and consistent content, create an editorial calendar.
  4. To produce more content than your competitors, create lots of articles that are short, unsubstantial, or otherwise lacking in helpful specifics.

Answer: D

In 2011, producing thin content with little or no added value may have worked, but that won't work today. In fact, Google will take action against domains that try to rank higher up by putting scraped or cookie-cutter pages that don't have any substantial value on the web.

8. After familiarizing yourself with the unique features of different social media platforms, you should make effective social media content conducive to B2C marketing.

  1. TRUE
  2. FALSE

Answer: A

Engage in dialogue and establish relationships before you share your content.

9. Which of the following is ideal to create a google-friendly website for enhancing the quantity of information that the website gives its visitors?

  1. Think about the words users would type to find your pages and include those words on your site.
  2. Write pages that clearly and accurately describe your topic and provide high-quality content on your pages, especially on your homepage.
  3. Create a helpful, information-rich site.
  4. All of the above

Answer: D

A new ranking would improve the accessibility of, for instance, mobile-friendly or relevant pages.

10. Which are the most important principles of measurement-focused marketing?

  1. Focus on the right metrics.
  2. Value your best customers.
  3. Attribute value across the journey.
  4. All of the above.

Answer: D

The combined measurements of these outlines show how better measurements can improve campaign effectiveness, help you receive the credit you deserve for your campaigns, and, most importantly, guarantee that a greater return on investment is obtained from your other investments.

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