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Successful Digital Marketer

"I was able to quit my corporate job after Rich+Niche helped me get my first 5 clients and develop 4 different income streams."

- Dean Velevski
Freelance Digital Marketer, YouTuber

Digital Marketer gets a great job after university

"In just 3 months, Rich+Niche helped me reach my goal of $1000/month online. After 10 months I landed a $60,000/year job right out of university."

- Chris Chan
Freelance Digital Marketer, Content Writer

A Digital Marketer takes our course and quadruples income

"I went from making $15/hour to $48,000/year after taking the Full Stack Digital Marketing Masterclass."

- Karter Maki
Paid Media Specialist and Consultant

Digital Marketer grateful for what she learned

"In less than a year, I've learned to build websites and develop brands online. This just wouldn't be possible for me without Rich+Niche."

- Jessica Davis
Freelance Digital Marketer, Content Creator

Digital Marketer has great success

"After taking the Masterclass, I gained tons of confidence. Now I have a great job as a Communications Manager AND I build brands."

- Saransh Senpai
Digital Marketing Specialist

Digital Marketer has great success

"Secured my first client that I didn't discount my prices for! This is my first $1k+ client!! Super exciting and have a couple more proposals being sent out next week after successful discovery call meetings. Really proud."

- Ariana M.
Freelance Digital Marketer

Digital Marketer has great success

"I got a job in Web3 as a Content Creator with a 28% increase in income from my Web2 job after taking the Masterclass."

- Kevin Tayong
Digital Marketing Specialist and Content Creator

Digital Marketer has great success

"I would like to say a massive thank you to Rich+Niche for creating the Digital Marketing Masterclass, as this has helped me tremendously and is already having a huge impact on my life and career!"

- Kailem Tomlinson
Freelance Digital Marketer and Copywriter